Re: Florin vs Latin small letter F with Hook U+0192
There are several African languages that use ƒ fhook, not just Ewe. It may not be realistic to try to catch all with {locl} substitutions (especially since texts may not be reliably language-tagged).…3 -
Re: When in the type design process do you start drawing different weights and styles?
Being somewhat of a traditionalist in temperament, I tend to work out full U&lc alphabet plus basic punctuation and figures in the Regular before working on auxiliary weights. Since I am mostly t…2 -
Re: Digital Greek Typography is Broken
I saw the presentation in the livestream, but want to watch it again sometime as the slides went by very quickly, and some of the cited problems deserve closer examination.I am sympathetic with the f…2 -
Re: Drawing greek letters
To add to Paul’s observations:* /theta also looks too wide to me. * Bold /Delta could be wider at the base. (Light also, but to a lesser degree perhaps.)2 -
Re: The I ogonek in sans-serif monospaced typefaces
If your target is limited only to those that happen to use the į (primarily languages in the Na-Dene and Athabaskan families), then the list of additional glyphs is not terribly daunting or complex. …4